As a non-profit and academic organization, the AAU exists to advance knowledge through research, to disseminate knowledge through teaching, and to provide services to its community for continued learning. Therefore, reproductions of information resources made for patrons with university identification can be assumed to be for fair use and non-commercial purposes. The Library collections contain scholarly materials intended for the academic community and as such are of a nature most appropriate to claims for fair use.
This policy is intended to serve as an in-house guide concerning the reproduction of library materials in Al-Ain University Libraries, in accordance with the UAE federal Law No. (7) of the year 2002, concerning copyrights and neighboring rights.
- Unsupervised Reproduction: Liability for copyright infringement may not be imposed on a library or its employees for unsupervised use of reproducing equipment located on its premises, provided that such equipment displays a notice that making copies may be subject to copyright law.
- Supervised Reproduction: Libraries units will review this policy and determine that they are not in violation of copyright law before requesting that copies be made. The Photocopy Center shall use this policy to review requests from other university departments and personnel.
Copy Services
It shall be the responsibility of AAU Libraries to review all photocopy requests for copyright compliance before submitting material to Photocopy Center. Therefore, libraries' requests received by Photocopy Center will be assumed to be in compliance with Libraries’ copyright policy and will be filled accordingly.
Photocopy Center staff will consider AAU University patron requests for photocopies to be permissible as fair use, provided that the following criteria are met:
- Use is academic in nature, for non-profit, educational purposes.
- Purpose is to make material available for study at patron's convenience.
- Request is for a single copy of one original, as opposed to multiple copies of the same original.
At the request of a faculty member, photocopies of articles or chapters of books may be placed on reserve. Under the guidelines of the UAE copyright law No. (7) of the year 2002, photocopies of these materials may be made without requiring permission from the copyright owner.
Material that has been photocopied by the libraries for the express purpose of being put on reserve will be the property of the libraries and will be retained for a specified period of time. If the material has not been requested during that time, it will be destroyed.
AAU Libraries Circulation Departments adhere to the fair use guidelines in providing photocopies to AAU University community. In line with the guidelines, Circulation Departments will provide an individual member with one copy of any article(s) or chapter(s) needed from a publication.
AAU Libraries endeavor to provide maximum participation in the interlibrary loan process for both AAU users and for other libraries that ask us to provide materials to fill their users' requests. At the same time, the libraries attempt to follow the guidelines as mentioned in the UAE copyright law.
- Borrowing: All requests for materials not available in the AAU libraries should be referred directly to the Circulation Department to determine whether such requests can be met. The Circulation Department will make every attempt to obtain material not owned by AAU libraries but needed by eligible AAU users without violating copyright law.
- Lending: we will respond to any request for a photocopy of an article as long as copyright compliance is indicated by the requesting library. We will assume that the requesting library is taking responsibility for both the nature and the amount of the material it is requesting.
- In the case of requests for dissertations and theses done at the AAU, the Circulation Departments will lend non-archival copies of these materials. If a requesting library wishes to purchase copies of dissertations or theses done, the Circulation Departments will direct the requesting library to purchase the material from the University.
According to UAE copyright law No. (7), libraries and archives are permitted to take a sole copy of a work for the purpose of preservation. AAU libraries will observe the following conditions before reproducing library materials for preservation purposes:
- The material comes from collections that are open to the public.
- Reproduction is made with no purpose of commercial advantage.
- Notice of copyright is included in the reproduction.
- For published works not in the public domain, a suitable replacement at a fair price will be sought, and reproduction undertaken only if an acceptable replacement is unavailable.
AAU libraries follow general copyright policy for all non-book items except under the special circumstances noted below.
- Video/Film/Sound Recordings
- 1. Complete copyrighted works or substantial portions will not be duplicated. If the material is out of print or no longer available at a fair price, duplication is allowed. Duplication is also allowed in accordance with numbers 2 and 3 below.
- Portions of commercially acquired copyrighted works may be copied for instructional purposes. The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole must be considered in determining whether the use of the excerpt constitutes fair use. Excerpt tapes (video/audio) produced by the AAU libraries are the property of AAU libraries and must be returned after class use.
- Computer Software
The term computer software applies to all software for microcomputers, minicomputers, or any other device, and includes the software documentation. AAU libraries will make a backup copy of any software it has purchased. The original then serves as the archive copy, while the backup copy becomes the service copy.
When a product acquired by AAU libraries is accompanied by a license agreement (particularly when signatures are required), it should be clearly understood that the AAU libraries, in most instances, are not acquiring ownership of the material but are instead acquiring only the rights, as set forth in the terms of the license agreement, to use the product.
Terms set in license agreements are those of the publisher or distributor. AAU libraries are not required to accept these terms as stated but can instead negotiate mutually acceptable terms with the publisher and distributor. If a license agreement cannot be mutually agreed upon and the libraries cannot abide by the terms set forth, the only option is not to acquire the product.
AAU: Al Ain University
Library collection: refers to: books, thesis, dissertation, magazines and newspaper, dictionaries, encyclopedia, UAE constitutions, Law codes, Multimedia and Electronic databases.
Selection: refers to the decision of adding an item to the library collection either printed or non-printed.
Weeding: is an ongoing process to maintain the library collection useful, updated and relevant.
The purpose of the policy is to guide the library staff in the selection of materials to be added to the library collection also to inform the public about the principles upon which selections are made. It helps in planning as guidance in the allocation of funds. It supports the library mission to build quality collections that serves AAU goals for learning, teaching and research.
Library supports the needs of AAU community (students, faculty and staff) and community of researchers from outside AAU.
AAU Library strives to provide an interdisciplinary collection that serves the needs of AAU community. AAU Library collection will be acquired selectively as needed for teaching learning and research purposes to support the learning and research mission of AAU. AAU Library acquires Books that have study or research value, continuous education programs, scientific periodicals, etc.
- Library Committee reviews mission and strategic plan for the AAU and update Library collection development accordingly.
- Library Committee reviews circulation statistics in regular basis to determine demanded areas.
- Library will avoid unnecessary duplication of resources wherever possible.
- Library selectively acquires and retains at least 3 copies of each item of the physical collections.
- Any academic member can recommend titles to be added, management will review the selection then library will be assigned to purchase after receiving at least three quotations.
- Library recognizes and complies with the laws of intellectual property and it is committed to copyrights protection.
- Library complies with the UAE conventions regarding the authors.
- AAU community has role in shaping library collections by participating in the collection development process through suggestion and feedback.
- Serial holdings will be maintained filled up and up to date.
Gifts: Library welcomes gift materials, but these materials will be subject to the same criteria as those materials obtained through the regular selection process.
Weeding: library performs periodically weeding to replace outdate publications with updated one, remove unwanted or underuse materials, unneeded titles, and legally prohibited items.
Electronic Resources: Library provides access to electronic databases and it is accessible in campus and remotely by AAU community. Library continuously evaluates the collection to serve teaching, learning and research needs of students and faculty.
AAU: Al Ain University
Circulation: The process of lending library materials to patrons for use inside and outside the library with a limited period.
Patrons: are individuals or a group of people willing to use library resources and services. It includes faculty, administrative staff, students, and other visitors.
Library Holdings: these are resources acquired by the library and include books, periodicals, and multimedia in electronic and print format.
Adopt standards to control the circulation of resources and ensure support for academic programs and scientific research at the university with the requested Information.
This policy applies to all users of AAU Libraries in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain.
- Library must develop, review, update and monitor the implementation of circulation policies and procedures on an ongoing basis and in accordance with international standards for academic libraries.
- Patrons are required to respect circulation policies and procedures.
- AAU libraries will ensure access for all patrons who need information while implementing appropriate standards to provide for the preservation of library materials and resources.
- Library staffs will ensure the provision of and accurate records and statistics on the beneficiaries and materials borrowed from the integrated library system on-demand service.
- AAU Libraries will ensure the maintenance and upgrade of the integrated library system on an ongoing basis and to link it with other sections to achieve the precision and flexibility in the workflow.
The membership:
For library membership
- Eligible candidate must fill up “Membership Form”.
- While visiting the library, students are required to show student ID Card; faculty and staff must show Employee ID Cards
- Other visitors must bring valid Emirates ID card
Loan rules
The table below reviews the recoverable for the loan of materials for different categories of beneficiaries and the period of the loan: After obtaining the membership of the library the patron is entitled to all the rights and responsibility on the following:
- All the patron must obey laws and regulations of AAU Libraries
- Presenting student or staff ID Card.
- A member must pay the fines as well as other required charges.
- Patron must notify AAU libraries on time in the event of any change of address.
Returning Library Materials
The member is responsible for returning library materials on the due date in order to avoid paying a fine for the delay. The delay will prevent the user from borrowing or renewing any materials till the other material are returned.
Renewing Library Materials
- Patrons are allowed to renew library materials two times before the end of the due date through the library, telephone call or bringing the materials to the library.
- Patrons are not allowed to renew any materials reserved for by another user.
- Integrated library system sends messages to remind members of the date of return.
Lost and damaged Materials
In case of loss or damage of borrowed material, the patron must report to the library as soon as possible. Accordingly, the patron will have:
- To pay the double price of material lost or damaged or bring alternative copy of the same material or later
- To pay any fines or other fees to reactivate membership.
Reserving Library Materials
This allows library members to reserve library materials via library website or by phone.
Borrowing between Libraries
The library provides interlibrary loan service from other libraries, especially items that are not available locally and may require special fees, and the patron shall be notified of their arrival.
Document Delivery Library serves researchers and acquires needed articles by collaboration with other libraries.
AAU: Al Ain University
This policy on textbooks availability and updating applies to all AAU students.
The purpose of the policy has two objectives:
- To ensure that textbooks are available for students and faculty, and
- To ensure that textbooks are regularly updated and latest editions are always used.
Textbooks for courses offered by AAU
AAU is committed to ensure that textbooks are available and the latest editions are being used. Textbooks are vital component of the learning process. AAU ensures that textbooks for all offered courses are always available in the library as well as in the Book store. Updated lists of textbooks relevant to the courses should be prepared by departments/colleges on regular basis. Students’ feedback is also taken into consideration. The lists are expected to be submitted to the library manager before the end of the academic year. The administrative unit orders textbooks from the publishers and make them available by the beginning of each semester.
This policy covers all textbooks for AAU courses. To ensure the availability of the latest textbooks, the following administrative Procedures are considered:
- Faculty members are expected to select the appropriate textbook for their courses.
- It is expected that the departments would review, update, and approve the list of textbooks for the department courses.
- The administrative unit orders the approved list of textbooks from publishers.
- Textbooks are received at the beginning of each semester.
- Copies of textbooks are made available in the library for student use.
- Textbooks are regularly updated by faculty members taking into consideration the latest publications in their specialization.
- Latest editions should be used.
AAU: Al Ain University
The policy of electronic library usage aims to define the rights and duties of users, to protect electronic resources and materials provided by AAU libraries.
This policy applies to AAU faculty members, students, and administrative staff in Al Ain and Abu Dhabi.
Most of the electronic resources provided by AAU Libraries are accessible and usable on campus as well as off-campus of the university. However, on campus use may restricted to authorized users only.
Access, use, and reproduction of AAU electronic library resources are governed by license agreements between the university and the service providers. AAU faculty members, students, and administrative staff must comply with agreement terms signed between AAU and the service providers.
AAU libraries will ensure the provision of electronic library resources to AAU community as followed:
- The resources are provided on campus and off-campus through AAU website.
- AAU libraries ensure that users receive usernames and password needed to access electronic library resources.
- Users are allowed to perform the followings with library electronic resources:
- Printing limited electronic copies (such as single articles)
- Using electronic resources for learning, teaching, and scientific research
- Sharing with current AAU faculty members, students, and administrative staff.
- Users are not allowed to perform the followings with AAU electronic resources:
- Printing the entire journal issues or books
- Selling and re-distributing the contents
- Sharing the contents with people other than the current AAU faculty members, students, and administrative staff
- Posting actual contents or articles to web sites
AAU: Al Ain University
Collection: refers to books, periodicals, electronic resources available in the library.
Collection Development: refers to the process of selecting, purchasing, and managing library collections.
Weeding: refers to the process of removing items from library collection based on certain criteria.
On-going Weeding: is a daily action taken to remove undesirable item from library collections.
Systematic Weeding: is a long-term process to remove a large quantity of items from library collections.
Shadow Title: refers to the titles that can be viewed by library staff but not the users.
Shadow Item: refers to the items that can be viewed library staff but not the users
In compliance with the AAU Vision and Mission, it is necessary to establish a “Weeding Policy.” The purpose of this policy is to define a step-by-step procedure of item withdrawal accompanied by a list of criteria to assist in decision making. It also aims to provide justification for the permanent removal of materials from the library collection.
This policy applies to all users of AAU Libraries in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain.
For any type of library, the weeding or withdrawal process is an important part of its collection management. Regular withdrawal of damaged, outdated, duplicate materials or items in poor condition helps libraries maintain up-to-date, attractive looking collections, and save space and time for researchers and library staff alike. Weeding activities help reduce cluttered and over stacked shelves. For an academic library, whose main mission is to support its parent institution’s curriculum, it is important not only to purchase new materials, but also to get rid of publications that are out of date or are no longer required by the disciplines taught at the university. Relevancy and timeliness of information are especially vital for certain disciplines, such as health sciences and engineering. The AAU librarians in collaboration with colleges apply their expertise and knowledge to the evaluation of library materials and to the weeding decisions.
AAU Libraries use several methods for weeding materials:
On-going Weeding:
- This method provides weeding opportunities as a result of an immediate issue or problem with the material(s) in question such as:
- New editions are purchased, selectors are prompted to make decisions about retaining or
- withdrawing older editions.
- Items in poor condition or missing pieces that are returned to the Circulation Desk are routed to the Head of Technical Services for a decision about replacement, rebinding, repair or withdrawal, with input by subject specialists.
- Items that are declared lost (either through Circulation routines or stacks inventory) are routed to the Head of Technical Services for possible replacement, with input by subject specialists.
Systematic Weeding Projects:
- These methods require preliminary work from the library staff and typically involve larger amounts of materials from individual areas of the collection. Thus, these methods are project-level and are more likely to involve broader librarians and faculty involvement. Special formats may require additional consideration beyond the methods listed below.
- Multiple copies or multiple formats that are no longer necessary should be withdrawn. For instance, a project to weed duplicated materials, as well as individually weeding print book titles that have been replaced by an electronic book format. In addition, as formats for audiovisual materials change, the library may weed the older format (e.g. VHS videotapes weeded in favor of DVDs).
- Subject areas are examined by subject specialists for research value within the subject area. Typically, this type of weeding removes outdated, inaccurate or irrelevant material and is closely aligned with usage, age of publication, and checkout statistics. For example, it includes weeding in Law (LC Class #K), Social Sciences – General, Statistics, Economic Theory (LC Class #H-HB), and Psychology (LC Class #BF). More general subject area weeding occurs in Reference and Government Documents on an annual basis.
- Periodically, AAU libraries conduct serials review to make sure that the libraries are providing faculty and students with the materials that are needed for teaching, learning, and scientific research. While the purpose of this review is not strictly cancellation, it is important to make sure that resources for serials are devoted to materials that are essential to the university community. In cases of cancellation as part of a serials review, the libraries should traditionally withdraw retrospective print serial holdings from the collection.
- Back issues of periodicals will be bound and stored in open stacks. Issues are subject to withdrawal or removal to storage under the same conditions as other materials but will normally be retained. Newspapers will be retained for three months in their original printed form.
- Procedures for Systematic Weeding of Multiple Copies or in Subject Areas
- Preliminary work must typically be completed by library staff prior to removing titles from the collection. This work includes informing relevant college of the proposed project; gathering library statistics related to age, duplication, and/or circulation of items; and pinpointing titles in poor condition.
- Library Management System, Symphony, can be used to create lists that indicate multiple copies or publication dates, etc. Just about anything in the bibliographic and item records can be used to create a weeding list. The list can then be used in print or electronic format to guide the weeding project with call numbers, titles, etc.
- Selecting a publication date cut-off as weeding criteria help library staff to avoid future issues (e.g. withdrawing older material that has just recently been added). Due to the commitment of the Library to purchasing titles for long-term scholarly pursuit, weeding should not include items published within the past ten years, with few exceptions.
- Library staff should determine how s/he will mark or situate each item selected for weeding so that it can be reviewed by the concerned college. The staff will also need to indicate to the college representative how they may remove a title from the weeding project.
- Librarians will have to determine the duration of college review for materials to be weeded. Typically, a large weeding project in a subject area should allow faculty at least one term for review.
- After candidates for weeding are pinpointed, librarians should keep faculty informed about the schedule for the weeding project.
- Once the weeding deadline has been met, librarian will notify Library Director or Supervisor regarding the approximate number of titles and copies that will be weeded (as a courtesy for workflow considerations).
- The Library Director or supervisor will send the final report to the President for approval
- In his turn, the President will discuss it in the Dean Council
- Upon approval of the Dean Council, library staff will:
- Change item location to “Withdrawn from the Collection”, and select:
- “Shadow title” if the entire items under that title are withdrawn
- or “Shadow item” if an individual item is withdrawn, then
- Remove the materials from shelves.
- All items withdrawn will be sent temporary to the library main store.
- Withdrawn materials may be demolished or distributed to other libraries, school libraries, individuals or institutions as gifts.